Light and Salt

Thursday, December 15, 2016



December 15, 2016


Psalm 50: 8-12; Isaiah 28: 26-29


It's not about us.  I heard these words countless times when I was in the seminary. Until I landed in the mission field, I humbly understand the truest sense of them.   

It's not because who I am, what I have become and what I have.  However,  it's all because of God and who He is.  There's no amount of pride should be carried on my shoulders.

We are living in a world where one must attain something plausible to be recognized by many.  Even though in a Christian circle, nowadays, titles become tangible.

Psalm 50:9-11 says, "I have no need of a bull from your stall, or of goats from your pens, for every animal of the forest is mine, and a cattle on a thousand hills.  I know every bird in the mountains, and the creatures of the field are mine."

Very clear, everything is His.  What knowledge you possess, it's from God.  What talents you have, they are from Him.  What you have on this earth, big or small, they are from Him.  God just entrust us with resources and capabilities.  It means that we don't rightfully own everything - it is God's.  Thus, we are not free to use it as we please.  God, the sole owner, expects us to use it for His purposes and for His glory.  He desires to invest all that we are and all that we have eternally.

Similarly, as Isaiah son of Amoz saw a vision.  The pride of Ephraim was rebuked. Isaiah 28: 26-29, "His God instructs him and teaches him the right way. Caraway is not threshed with a sledge, nor is the wheel of a cart rolled over cumin; caraway is beaten out with a rod, and cumin with a stick. Grain must be ground to make bread; so one does not go on threshing it forever.
The wheels of a threshing cart may be rolled over it, but one does not use horses to grind grain.All this also comes from the Lord Almighty, whose plan is wonderful, whose wisdom is magnificent." 

It is important to note here that God is our Great Shepherd.  He does not resent us the things He gives us.  The truth of the matter is, He wants us to seize a kingdom view of who we are and what we have, acknowledging that everything comes from Him.  


1.  Is there any aspect of your life you are struggling to give to God?

2.  If your answer is yes, what holds you back?

3.  Read again Psalm 50: 8-12 and Isaiah 28: 26-29.  What does this passage tell you about God and His Words.  What are the things you possess right now and how do you think and feel about them?

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

365CambodiaMissions: Another Peaks


Matthew 28:19-20(NLT)

Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Bethlehem Church youth - ready to serve, teach the Word and walk the faith.

#RDKmissions - Day 1 
Youth is all ready for the RDK 3-day missions

we started with an afternoon prayer walk

taking a group picture before our supper preparation

youth do the planning, buying and budgeting for each meal

our first lunch at the host family

#RDKmissions - Day 2

Morning orientation with Neakro Sophea
arts and crafts with Neakro Vanny 
reading with Lukro John
games blocks with Neakro Srie Loung

drawing and coloring with Neakro Sophea 
Afternoon- fun filled games
all set for the next game
Afternoon a day of learning and fun with the children, youth is all ready to get dirty and wet just to catch crabs and shells for their dinner later 
Us catching crabs in the newly harvested paddies 
it surely needs patience or else we don't have a meal later
our efforts paid-off, one of the country's local cuisine - crab soup with lemon grass, kaffir lime leaves and different mint leaves to add flavor to the dish
#RDKmissions - Day 3

fellowship meal - porridge with fresh green veggies from the villagers own yard
everyone is set to eat this healthy meal
closing session with singing and dancing
all the children is not ready to go home yet even us
Praise God for the answered prayers. 

- fair weather
- unity, guidance, patience, wisdom as we prepare
- provision for everything we need
- good health
- relevant materials
- solid outcome for this exposure
- parents of some of this children are attending the adult house worship/church

Thank you for praying with us and for us.  Indeed, we are together for the Gospel.  To God be all the glory.   

Press On,

Aide Rose Fernandez
+855 77547851 (Cambodia) / +63 9192920955 (Philippines)  
P.O box 369 Battambang City, Cambodia 

Saturday, August 6, 2016

#365CambodgeMissions: Make Disciples. Teach The WORD. Walk The Faith.

       Matthew 28:19-20
It is very encouraging to know that there are many churches and believers from my country and across the globe who are faithfully interceding in prayer for the people in Cambodia, most importantly for the salvation of their souls.  Undoubtedly, we are together for the Gospel.  

Bethlehem Church
Youth & Children Ministry

Having our warm fellowship in one of the beautiful places in the country 

A tour of a grape plantation
Youth Fellowship and Bible Quiz competition 
Nursery and Intermediate English class 
It is a joy ministering and at the same time serving our Lord alongside Bethlehem church. We have our share of highs, praised be to God; and we have our share of lows as well but He never allows the tests to be greater than the grace He gives us.  We continue to equip and teach this young generation and the church through different classes both in Khmer and English language: HIV AIDS volunteers, Youth Intentional Discipleship, Nursery and Intermediate.  

Praises & Thanksgiving:

  • For faithful and committed Christian local leaders
  • For faithful Sunday teachers 
  • For the opportunity of teaching the Word to the youth and children
  • For the ongoing ministries
  • For His faithful provision
  • For good health
  • For the gracious gift of life

Please Pray With Us: 

  • For consistent unity within the Christian community
  • For wisdom and discerning heart for His leading both personal and ministry
  • For the Christian locals to have a consistent desire to know the Lord deeper
  • For all the missionaries in the country - protection from any form of temptations
  • For the ongoing ministries both in BC and RDK village
  • For good health

Reach Duan Keov (RDK)

Adult Worship

Rebekah, one of the learners in our Preparatory 2 Class

Blocks and image with our Preparatory 1 Class

Sports and Games Sunday

A typical leisure of the village local children during the wet season - right after their classes
Since we resumed in RDK village, we rejoice even more for the many locals (though mostly are mothers) who are attending the worship.  We are thankful that the Lord is answering our prayers in His perfect time.  The husbands of these women are allowing them to attend the gathering even their children.  I do believe that God's word is powerful and can change lives beyond human mind can perceive.  Moreover, it is pure bliss to spend our Sundays with the youth and children in the village.  We could say that the level of relationships that we have been building with them is in a different level and pace, so we thank the Lord for that.  It is very exciting to think what God has in store for each of us  in the near future.  Also, we are embracing the truth that ahead of us there are storms to challenge our faith.  However, with that, Thy will be done.  

  Praises & Thanksgiving:
  • God's grace is greater than the hardships and challenges 
  • God's provision
  • Freedom to share the Gospel
  • Protection from the schemes of Satan
  • Families who are attending the worship
  • Children who faithfully come
  • For the faithful Sunday school teachers from BC
  • For the ongoing ministries 

Pray With Us:
  • Families who are joining the worship will continue to seek Jesus and they will continue to desire to know Him more.
  • Constant acknowledge of God's presence and His nature in their lives.
  • The souls who truly confessed that Jesus is their Lord and Savior will come out bold and remain true to the faith
  • Courage and discerning upon the Holy Spirit to overcome daily temptations.
  • Firm faith to overcome persecutions, insult, and worshiping other gods.
  • Good health

"Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now."                      Philippians 1: 3-5

Press On,

Aide Rose Fernandez
+855 77547851 (Cambodia) / +63 9192920955 (Philippines)  
P.O box 369 Battambang City, Cambodia 

Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Life That Is Truly Life

The Life That Is Truly Life

I love to spend every morning in the dining table at the kitchen with a cup of freshly brewed coffee, pen, marker, notebook, prayer diary and my Bible.  Since I arrived in Cambodia almost 7 years ago I started a habit to note a verse or verses.  Also, before I do my other reading and studying, I read one chapter of Proverbs according to the date in the calendar.  

I am done with my reading and meditation in the book of 1 Timothy.  However, this verse just kept on repeating my head for the past few days.  Each time I open the scripture which I suppossed to read that day, I found my self flipping my Bible to 

1 Timothy 6:17-19(NIV), "Command those who are rich in this present world not be arrogant not to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain but to hope their hope in God, Who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up  treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life." 

I am no rich.  However, I realized that it is not only those who have lots of money, hectares of lands, owning a successful and famous business can be considered rich.  If I have been given everything which are I am enjoying right now I am considered rich.  I am commanded to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.  

So here are the three questions I asked my self:
  1. Are my good deeds rich?
  2. Am I generous? 
  3. Am I willing to share?
The last phrase of verse 19 is the essence of these questions, "so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life."

Thus, I ended my meditation with this question noted in my prayer diary, "Am I taking hold of the life that is truly life?" 

By God's grace, I can walk these commands consistently daily by then I can only utter I answer them well and experience life that is truly life. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Beautiful Unknown

The Beautiful Unknown

It was an intense trip we had for eight straight days but every pace was all worth it.  It was one of my most unforgettable trips thus far.  
I slipped off to sleep inside the van while we're on our way to our next destination.  Yes, I gave my self a treat. :) When I opened my eyes after maybe about 45 minutes,I thought we were in the middle of nowhere. To my surprised it wasn't just a thought.  We were really in, literally.  There were comparable tress and bushes both sides. And the road felt dusty and dry.  Upon seeing these several questions came to my mind.  "How safe this road is?" "Is there really a community existing in our destination?" "Why people chose to live in a place that is more than a hundred kilometers away from the town proper?"  "What's in there?"

All my questions were answered after almost two hours of unknown ride. :) So, this gorgeous sight was one of the answers to my questions.

This is one of the country's pride, most especially, for the locals living in that place. The moment I laid my eyes on this creation, all I uttered was, "Breathtaking!"
This is Stung Treng Province, Cambodia.  

  • Not ALL assumptions are ALWAYS right
  • Allowing things to unfold doesn't equate passivity 

Friday, March 18, 2016


March 2016

We do a particular activity again and again because we love it.  It gives us satisfaction and synergy at the same time.  And yes, we express our love to a certain thing differently. Likewise, we do certain stuff differently. Each of us is unique, that is.  

I love nature, no, I love it so much.  I think of it often, as in countless times in a day. Truth, I see vividly my heart every second I'm with, particularly, landscapes, water, tall-big trees, forest, etc. to the point I sink in my own thoughts and I forget to take picture of them. So half of the sights of them I stored in my brain, and half of the views of them I already stashed in my laptop.  Like the image above I took 3 years ago when I visited the famous Angkor Wat (please don't ask me how many times I visited the site ;) ) I was glued at where I'm standing after.  Yes, I was there reflecting.  

I think, this is one of the reasons why, in my own pace, my love to travel started so I can reflect more (reflect pa more :D). 
My, I'm thankful my friend snapped me so I had this jumped off picture.  Well, I was there again standing glued by the site and sink in my own thoughts reflecting 101.:D  

When I get excited, I keep it only to my self.  You're right, including my gestures and facial expression don't obviously tell.  Like this trip we had within the country late last year. I gazed in awe at the scenery but then again, I found my self reflecting deeply.  I sounded oblivious here, right?  It's okay. ;) I'm trilled to think that this reflection 101 of mine will happen SOON. I can't wait!

So I find my way of reflecting with nature.  Where do you find yours?   

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

365CambodgeMissions: Quit or Quiet


March/April 2016

It was good while it lasted; it was good when it ended, because God is good ALL the time.

       Exactly two years and one month we spent with Reach Duang Keov (RDK) village families.  During those times, we taught and shared the Good News among adults, young people and children alike.  
     It was a usual yet steady afternoon, when the villagers gathered, about 12 families.  And we taught the children in a different place around that area.  As soon as the children classes were over, I moved quietly where the adult bible study was.  Then I learnt this sudden news.
    "We really looking for the right time to tell you this.  Our grandparents served in pagoda. Our parents are still serving in pagoda.  And here we are, listening and studying about Jesus.  It has been our tradition and customs to go to pagoda.  We don't want that we are sitting here every Sunday, but during the week we go to pagoda.  We decided to stop coming to hear about Jesus and continue the religion, the tradition and the customs our grand parents has taught us.  Please stop everything you do in this place and what you are going to do in the future."  One of the village elders told us.  
     We didn't say anything, but respect their choice.  We didn't leave with anger in our hearts.  We left with deep sadness knowing their about choice.  Our hearts are searching upon God's comfort instead.  We might not understand fully well what His plan for RDK now, however, we trust in Him and His sovereignty because His name alone is trustworthy. What that experienced has taught us?  We are reminded to seek God more and consistently, and to QUIET our souls in Him, regardless the raging waves of hardship surrounding us. 
Even then, we continually remember Reach Duang Keov (RDK) villagers in our prayers, especially, as a church. That, i think, should not cease.

  • The complete purpose of God in that place and the people there is yet unknown to us, but we are persuaded it transpired for His glory.  
  • It's so easy to see things in behalf of them. But then, i think, we should not overlook what we can learn from it too. What God is telling us to do and act at the moment. 
  • We are victorious in Christ Jesus.
Please pray with us for:

  •  RDK village.  For we know that the seed of faith the Spirit of God sowed in that place is not in vain. 
  • The souls who truly confessed that Jesus is their Lord and Savior will come out bold and remain true to the faith.
Praises and Thanksgiving: Praise the Lord for He is our prayer answering God.

  • We have a family contact in RDK came back from another district for the planting farming of crops there were over.  She came and requested the elders (leaders) of Bethlehem church to resume again the house church there.  We have two families (believers) who are willing and open to accept Jesus presence, God's word and us again.  It's a different area but within one community and village.  We will resume what God entrusted to our care with fervent prayers.  So together for the Gospel, please continue to pray for this cause with us.  Thank you.
  • Indeed the souls who truly confessed that Jesus is their Lord and Savior came out bold and remained true to the faith.

The Next Best Thing 

Cambodian Children Day Camp (CCDC)

Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. Proverbs 22: 6 (NLT)

     Cambodia's New Year (Khmer New Year) is around the corner.  Next month, April 15, we will going to have a one day camp from ages 3 to 12 years old.  Our ultimate purpose is to share the gospel for these young souls.  Moreover, the children will have a day of learning with some educational activities our Sunday School teachers planned to prepare.  We will have a day of singing, doing arts and crafts, reading various children's book, playing with fundamental blocks, watching a movie - bible story and presentations.  So with the said purpose, the children's ministry will be more effective and it will be strengthened  with the active help of the local church, definitely, by the grace of God.  

Please pray with us for:
  • unity among us for all the preparations needed.
  • the many young souls will be added in the Sunday School
  • wisdom and patience 
  • financial provision   
Praises and Thanksgiving: Praise the Lord for He is our prayer answering God.

  • The one day camp went well.   Teachers and young people tried their best to served alongside.  
  • 69 children, ages 3 to 12 years old came
  • For the opportunity to present the Gospel using the worldless book.  Again, the Word of God being shared upon these young generation isn't in vain.  
  • Patience and wisdom were evident from preparation until the camp was over
  • Undoubtedly, He is our great Shepherd.  Everyone were satisfied from refreshment, lunch and goods.  Thank you for the individuals whom God used for His glory and for the furtherance of His kingdom.

Cambodian Children's Church (CCC)  

Then Jesus called for the children and said to the disciples, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. Luke 18:16 (NLT)
Praise the Lord for indeed, He gives us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that we may know Him better. 
We are launching it next month.  Through this ministry, we are praying that many Khmer children will commit their lives to Jesus as their Lord and only Savior.  We always feel the burden to direct these children to know Jesus in a personal way.  Similarly, we desire that these children will learn to worship God, sing praises to Him and utter their prayers to Him too.  Alongside the youth in the church who will lead and take the challenge but a great privilege to serve God and be a part these children.  

Please pray with us for:
  • wisdom, courage and consistent willingness as the youth will lead
  • the parents of the children and the children will respond positively
  • fruitful harvest of young souls through this ministry                                                                   Praises and Thanksgiving: Praise the Lord for He is our prayer answering God.
  • April 24 is the launching of CCC. It was a joy seeing the youth serving our Lord in their own extraordinary way.  
  • Praise God for faithful and dedicated youth whose hearts are willing and always ready to serve God and serve others. Please continue to pray with us with the concerns encoded above.  Thank you.

"For you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ..."

Through the years, it is only by the grace of God, I'm still present and serving Him in the field, with that my heart is full of thanksgiving.  Likewise, I am thankful for your faithful support both in prayers and financial.  I do appreciate your partnership in spreading the gospel for His glory.  Currently, I am $48 short (below) the needed amount. Please pray with me.  I trust and pray, this will be met in His own time and in His own ways.  
Praise the Lord for He is our Great Shepherd!

2 Corinthians 1:11(NIV)

As you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.

Press On,

Aide Rose Fernandez
+855 77547851 (Cambodia) / +63 9192920955 (Philippines)  
P.O box 369 Battambang City, Cambodia