Light and Salt

Saturday, August 6, 2016

#365CambodgeMissions: Make Disciples. Teach The WORD. Walk The Faith.

       Matthew 28:19-20
It is very encouraging to know that there are many churches and believers from my country and across the globe who are faithfully interceding in prayer for the people in Cambodia, most importantly for the salvation of their souls.  Undoubtedly, we are together for the Gospel.  

Bethlehem Church
Youth & Children Ministry

Having our warm fellowship in one of the beautiful places in the country 

A tour of a grape plantation
Youth Fellowship and Bible Quiz competition 
Nursery and Intermediate English class 
It is a joy ministering and at the same time serving our Lord alongside Bethlehem church. We have our share of highs, praised be to God; and we have our share of lows as well but He never allows the tests to be greater than the grace He gives us.  We continue to equip and teach this young generation and the church through different classes both in Khmer and English language: HIV AIDS volunteers, Youth Intentional Discipleship, Nursery and Intermediate.  

Praises & Thanksgiving:

  • For faithful and committed Christian local leaders
  • For faithful Sunday teachers 
  • For the opportunity of teaching the Word to the youth and children
  • For the ongoing ministries
  • For His faithful provision
  • For good health
  • For the gracious gift of life

Please Pray With Us: 

  • For consistent unity within the Christian community
  • For wisdom and discerning heart for His leading both personal and ministry
  • For the Christian locals to have a consistent desire to know the Lord deeper
  • For all the missionaries in the country - protection from any form of temptations
  • For the ongoing ministries both in BC and RDK village
  • For good health

Reach Duan Keov (RDK)

Adult Worship

Rebekah, one of the learners in our Preparatory 2 Class

Blocks and image with our Preparatory 1 Class

Sports and Games Sunday

A typical leisure of the village local children during the wet season - right after their classes
Since we resumed in RDK village, we rejoice even more for the many locals (though mostly are mothers) who are attending the worship.  We are thankful that the Lord is answering our prayers in His perfect time.  The husbands of these women are allowing them to attend the gathering even their children.  I do believe that God's word is powerful and can change lives beyond human mind can perceive.  Moreover, it is pure bliss to spend our Sundays with the youth and children in the village.  We could say that the level of relationships that we have been building with them is in a different level and pace, so we thank the Lord for that.  It is very exciting to think what God has in store for each of us  in the near future.  Also, we are embracing the truth that ahead of us there are storms to challenge our faith.  However, with that, Thy will be done.  

  Praises & Thanksgiving:
  • God's grace is greater than the hardships and challenges 
  • God's provision
  • Freedom to share the Gospel
  • Protection from the schemes of Satan
  • Families who are attending the worship
  • Children who faithfully come
  • For the faithful Sunday school teachers from BC
  • For the ongoing ministries 

Pray With Us:
  • Families who are joining the worship will continue to seek Jesus and they will continue to desire to know Him more.
  • Constant acknowledge of God's presence and His nature in their lives.
  • The souls who truly confessed that Jesus is their Lord and Savior will come out bold and remain true to the faith
  • Courage and discerning upon the Holy Spirit to overcome daily temptations.
  • Firm faith to overcome persecutions, insult, and worshiping other gods.
  • Good health

"Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now."                      Philippians 1: 3-5

Press On,

Aide Rose Fernandez
+855 77547851 (Cambodia) / +63 9192920955 (Philippines)  
P.O box 369 Battambang City, Cambodia 

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