Light and Salt

Thursday, November 16, 2017


by: Aide Rose
November 2017


Who can fathom Your grace?
It is peerless but sufficient for all.
It strengthens me when I am weak;
And makes my heart whole again.

Who can replace Your grace?
It is precious but free for all.
It works into the depth of my soul;
And renews my life once more.

Who can judge Your grace?
It is pure but offered to many.
It changes my life 'till eternity;
And gives glory to Your name solely

Friday, October 20, 2017

Trust HIM

by: Aide Rose
October 2017

Trust HIM

Trust HIM and you will be filled,
Not by the treasure of this world,
But by the reward of heaven's promised.

Trust HIM and you will be secured,
Not by the glamour of this world,
But by the truth of His flawless Word.

Trust HIM and you will be contented,
Not by the offers of this world,
But by the glorious moment already adorned.

Trust HIM and you will be applauded,
Not by the throng of this world,
But but by the Lord of lords.

Trust HIM and you will be lightened,
Not by the voices of this world,
But the insight of His Word .

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Out From The Ashes

by: Aide Rose
October 2017

Out From The Ashes

Out from the ashes
YOU gave me life
Calling its eternal
To the place I'll one day dwell.

Out from the ashes
YOU gave me hope
Brighter than the light
For it points to the blessed One.

Out from the ashes
YOU gave me joy
Better than this world holds
For it knows no ifs.

Out from the ashes
YOU gave me faith
Seeing vividly the unknown
For it fixes upon the cross.

Out from the ashes
YOU gave me love
Showing how it radiates

Sunday, October 8, 2017

The Battle Belongs To God

by: Aide Rose
October 2017

The Battle Belongs To God
2 Chronicles 20:15

The Lord is fighting for me
When He restores my strength
Each time I am down
For the battle belongs to Him

The Lord is fighting for me
When He gives my heart hope
Each time I am in despair
For the battle belongs to Him

The Lord is fighting for me
When He guides my way
Each time I am lost
For the battle belongs to Him

The Lord is fighting for me
When He gives my daily need
Each time I feel I am lacking
For the battle belongs to Him

The Lord is fighting for me
When He heals me from pain
Each time I feel weak
For the battle belongs to Him

The Lord is fighting for me
When He loves the worst in me
Each time I feel unloved
For the battle belongs to Him

The Lord is fighting for me
When He grants me courage
Each time fear overwhelms me
For the battle belongs to Him

The Lord is fighting for me
When He lights my way
Each time darkness tries to lure me
For the battle  belongs to Him

Friday, September 15, 2017

YOU Are My Hiding Place

by: Aide Rose
September 2017

YOU Are My Hiding Place
Psalm 32:7a

YOU are my hiding place
When storms come my way,
they disappear
When YOU say,
In MY embrace is where you stay.

YOU are my hiding place
When my foes attack me,
They fall beyond despair
When you stretch YOUR hands,
And take me in YOUR loving care.

YOU are my hiding place
When life has its holds,
It's surely bearable
When YOU whisper,
Everything will be beautiful.

YOU are my hiding place
When sorrow hides my joy,
They lost completely
When JESUS already carried them
Upon the cross of Calvary. 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


by: Aide Rose
September 2017

Exodus 3: 14

In silence,
HIS voice gently tells me, 
I am not alone.
In the midst of storm,
HIS power reminds me, I am secure.

In uncertainty,
HIS presence assures me, 
I am His own.
In my weaknesses, 
HIS hands holds me, I am strong. .

In times of need,
HIS abundance satisfies me, 
I am His treasure.
In times of despair,
HIS promises lifts me, I am hopeful.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Jehovah Is His Name

by: Aide Rose

Jehovah Is HIS Name
Psalm 25

Jehovah is His name
He is my portion
The stronghold of my salvation
He is the God
Who never forsake

Jehovah is His name
He is my strength
Who turned my darkness to light
He is the God
Whose mercy is great

Jehovah is His name
He is my refuge
Whose worthy of all praises
He is the God
Who rescued me

Taste And See

by: Aide Rose

Taste And See
Psalm 34

O, taste and see that the LORD is good.

Taste and see that He is.

O, taste and see that the LORD is good.

Taste and see that He is.

Fear not, you His saint.

Fear not, you His child.

The eyes of God are on you,

And you will not be condemned,

You, who are in Him.

Reflection: #theLORDisgood #fearnot #courage #faith 
*this poem/song was written in 2013 

Monday, August 28, 2017

I Will Deliver you

by:Aide Rose                                                            
August 2017

I Will Deliver you
1 Samuel 17

When the sky is gloomy,
and my heart is weary,
instead this thing has their way,
I hear a voice that tells me
everything will be okay,
because I will deliver you with a ray.

When the moment is so silent,
and my mind is in strident,
instead this thing will swallow me into the depth,
I hear the voice that tells me
do not fret,
because I will deliver you from it.

When the burden is beyond I can bear,
and my soul is at its rear,
instead this thing sweep me further,
I hear a voice that tells me
stand still and cheer,
because I will deliver you from its snare.

Reflection: Nothing has ever happened or will happen to you that is out of God's sovereignty.  Either good or bad, His presence isn't absent, not at all. No matter how things are so hard for you today, still trust and seek HIM.   He promised, HE will DELIVER you!  

Thursday, August 10, 2017

YOUR Love Is Better Than Life

by: Aide Rose
August 2017 


YOUR Love Is Better Than Life

YOUR love is better than life,
for it is steadfast.
It stands firm 
in the days of storm.

YOUR love is better than life,
for it is constant.
It remains true
in the days of change.

YOUR love is better than life,
for it is deep.
It reaches to eternity
in the days of scarcity.

YOUR love is better than life,
for it is amazing.
It searches my soul
in the days of sorrow.

YOUR love is better than life
for it is perfect.
It completes me
all the days of my life.

Monday, August 7, 2017

My Soul Comes Alive

by:Aide Rose 
August 2017

My Soul Comes Alive

My soul comes alive

When it anchors to YOU

Its longing thrive

To nothing but in YOU

My soul comes alive

When it dwells in YOU

Its shelter resolve

To nothing but in YOU

My soul comes alive

When it listens to YOU

Its storms dissolve

To nothing but in YOU

My soul comes alive

When it walks with YOU

Its steps sieve

To nothing but in YOU

Thursday, April 13, 2017


April 2017

                                                                     Like YOURS

Like countless drops of rain,
Are Your favors time and again.
Like sundry sounds they bring,
Are Your promises unending.

Like frequent ripples by a gentle wind,
Are Your comforts to my need.
Like rings of them spread out,
Are Your Words carrying me throughout. 

Like relentless roars of waves,
Are Your strengths in my distress.
Like arches they form,
Are Your shields in times of trouble.

by: aide

Friday, March 24, 2017

Your Love Is Better Than Life

March 2017
by: Aide
                                           Your Love Is Better Than Life                                Psalm 63:3
#365food for the soul

Your love is better than life,
        for it formed me into a being.
It clothed me from shame,
          when all of me were crashed.

Your love is better than life,
for it ushered me into
Your dwelling.
It promised me rainbow,
After the storm I passed through.

Your love is greater than life,

for it led me to Your abundant land,
It satisfied my soul,
when everything was scorched.

Your love is better than life,

for it redeemed me from nothingness.
It positioned me onto a higher ground,
Where all the foes cannot demand.

Your love is better than life,

for it took me out from the darkness.
It led me to a place of eternity,
Where light forever resides.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Your Light

March 2017
by: Aide Rose
Your Light 
Psalm 36:9b

Your light brings comfort,
to my weary soul.
Your light leads me to trust
the sole Source.

Your light guides me to the straight path,
where righteousness celebrates.
Your light compels me to seek the truth,
where justice resides.

Your light utters hope,
to my helpless soul.
Your light assures I am Yours,
And that is wonderful. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Bud and Flourish

Bud And Flourish

August 2018


Proverbs 4: 23 (NIV/ESV)


The worlds says, "follow your heart."  God's Word says, "guard your heart..."(NIV)

I had my share of failures in the past.  I'm sure exactly what went wrong, I failed to guard my heart.  I followed my heart instead, which led to ill feelings towards my self. It took me two years to forgive my self.   However, God is so gracious; He was ever present then as He is ever present today.

How do I guard my heart?
True enough, apart from God I have no good thing; and I am nothing.  It is when I spend deeper and more intimate time with His Word.  So the more I listen to Him the louder His words rings in my heart.

Why I should guard my heart?
Emotions are deceitful.  Our hearts our laid open when we are alone and when we are with others.  It tunes in to different rhythm everyday when we are with different people and situation. 

From where I should guard my heart?
I guard my heart from deceitful circumstance.
When pride eclipses our hearts instead of forgiveness. It is when selfishness presents itself instead of selflessness.

"Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life." 

Guard your heart.


Friday, February 3, 2017

The Timeless TRUTH In Changing And Limited World

February 2017


John 6: 1-14, 26, 35


     The Timeless TRUTH in Changing and Limited – Crowd (vs.1—4)

     The disciples saw the miraculous signs.  Their curiosity  drew them to see what Jesus would do next.  Many were interested in what He did (healed the sick, drove out demons etc.).
     The crowd followed Jesus because of the outward fulfillment and satisfaction; not so because the crowd were curios who Jesus truly was.  Later, Jesus rebuked the crowd because of their wrong intentions (v.26)

     I’m not trying to say that following Jesus because of what He has done is sin or wrong. But I should say it is not whole.  We should follow Jesus because of Who He is in our lives. Then, we let praises and adoration overflows from our hearts because of what Jesus has done and what He can do in us and through us.  Sadly, there’s still that kind of crowds nowadays.   The crowds who are only after the outward satisfaction and waiting what will happen to their outward welfare.

The Timeless TRUTH in Changing and Limited – Disciples (vs. 5-12)

Philip was chosen to be tested and deepen his faith.  What did Philip see? Philip saw overwhelming concern – a great crowd coming and his faith was crowded by worry and problem.  And because of the problem he saw, he forgot Who was with him at that moment.  We are all like Philip sometimes.  We see problems and they overwhelm us.  We see worry and they weaken us and our faith.  We are struggling in many ways and they are slowly stealing our joy.  We see negativity, so often times we fail to recognize the ONE WHO is in us.  These concerns fog our vision of Jesus, Who allows all these to deepen our faith in Him and what He can do in us and through us.  We miss His presence because of the great crowd we are in. Thus, it’s a matter of perspective.  How differently Jesus and the disciples viewed the situation.  Philip only saw a large problem, but Jesus looked at the exact same situation and saw opportunity. Us – crowd: overwhelmed, worried, pessimistic.  Jesus –crowd: opportunity, compassion, solution.  Jesus did not fall into the pessimistic view of the disciples by being overwhelmed by the size of the problem.
     We’ll pray that each day as God allows us to live – we have the eyes to see the crowd, our own crowd like Jesus sees them.  The eyes to see like Jesus.  The heart to understand our situation, so we can turn our crowd into opportunity – opportunity to become like Christ.  Opportunity to walk like Jesus did in this crowded world.  


1. What are your reason/s of following Jesus?

2. Are you one of the crowds? 

3. What is a great crowd coming towards you at the moment?  

4.How did you respond to your crowd lately?