Light and Salt

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Wanderer of Wonders

365 Cambodge

It's a country worth to discover, explore, traverse and learn - a beautiful country to live...

Thmo Domruet Stream/Spring 2016
Thmo Dumruet 2016
a stream in the middle of the beautiful nowhere

Yeak Loam Lake, Rattanakiri 2016

Loam Lake 2016
unforgettable awesome adventure thus far

Kratie 2016
aahh that stunning sunset

Tribal house, Rattanakiri

Stung Treng, 2016
Sopheakmith waterfalls/rapids
adventuresome unforgettable trip

Phnom Sombok, Kratie 2016

Koh Kong, 2011
Island hopping. Mangrove trekking. Seafood hunting
Oddar Meanchey, 2010

Rabbit Island, Kep 2011

Siem Reap 2010
@ the world famous Angkor Wat
Kratie, stunning sunset
March 2016
Mondulkiri - Sea of forest
March 2016
July 2009, she arrived in Cambodia.  Since then, she has been thrilled to discover its wonder.  True enough, as the country being dubbed "Kingdom of Wonder."

Lately, She's been very fascinated with blogs and articles related to travel; she's literally reading whole nine yards related to it. So, let her share to you the "bucket list" #wandererofwonders #travellover places she has been while doing her missionary journey.  #workandplay 
  • Oddar Meanchey  
  • Banteay Meanchey
  • Siem Reap
  • Battambang (base) 
  • Pailin
  • Pursat
  • Kampong Chhnang
  • Kampong Speu
  • Koh Kong
  • Kampot
  • Preah Sihanouk
  • Kep
  • Takeo
  • Kandal
  • Prey Veng
  • Svay Rieng
  • Phnom Penh (Capital City)
  • Tbong Khoum
  • Kampong Cham
  • Kampong Thom
  • Preah Vihear
  • Stung Treng
  • Kratie
  • Mondulkiri
  • Ratanakiri
Note: Words in blue print are the places she's been to...

Right!  She passed by some of the provinces (aha many times ;) ) but never had a chance to wonder and really explore, discover and know the place well.  SOON!  :) 

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