Light and Salt

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


by:Aide Rose


The Truth

The truth will set you free;
when lies are like clouds
hover your way.
It is like millions of stars,
shining brightly through the darkest of days.

The truth will set you free;
when chatter words 
deafen your sanity.
It is like the harmonious melody,
signing softly through the chaotic bigotry.

The truth will set you free;
when slaves of wrong judgment
tangles your integrity.
It is like a constant reflection,
showing vividly through the knotty array.

Friday, August 24, 2018

A Love Worth Giving

by: Aide Rose

A Love Worth Giving

A love worth giving
is not wanting
it is waiting
Love is patience

A love worth giving
is not self seeking
it is accepting
Love is kind

A love worth giving
is not arrogant
it is self-effacing 
Love is selfless

A love worth giving
is not resentful
it is forgiving
Love is gracious

A love worth giving
is not blind at wrong doings
it is living with the truth
Love is pure 

1 Corinthians 13: 4-8

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Heaven's LOVE

by: Aide Rose 
December 2017


True Love was born in a manger
Swaddling in cloth
In a cold breeze of the night
Where the WORD became flesh. 

True Love was born in a manger
Surrounded by hays
In a wee hour of the night
Where He made His dwelling among us.

True Love was born in a manger
A humble place to be in
A time ordained by the Heavenly Father
Where the birth is planned from eternity past.
