Light and Salt

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

"When I Grow Up..."

"When I grow up, I want to be a teacher, doctor, engineer, scientist, artist."  So many options - and the lists go on.  Perhaps, this line is a cliche to everyone.
I must admit, it is, for me. You know, when we were young, in school or at home our parents and teachers asked us this question, "What do you want to be like when you grow up?"  With grinning, jumping we raised our  both hands and excitedly whopped our answer. 
I could still vividly remember my pre-school teacher asked me that same question. 
Does everyone live what they really dreamed to become?  To some, maybe yes. To some, maybe no. Or, does every child, at their tender age already figured that out?

Truthfully speaking, not every child.  

However, one of the things WE should never give-up ever spells like this - 
H O P E! 

Yes, WE.  It's always the time (not later) to be a part of that strive to attain in the aspect of education.  I do say, not importantly you are an educator to help this kind of children realize their own dream.  Now, let's start where we are.  Or, let's continue what we have started.  

Oh, by the way, my answer to my teacher's question was - I want to be a teacher.  I'm thankful to my Mama who was a teacher - she inspired me tremendously.   

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Spread The Love

1 John 4:9 (NLT)
 God showed how much He loved us by sending His one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through Him.

Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow! 

It is always a privilege to know that in Him nothing is impossible. Once again, alongside the faithful local HIV-AIDS Joy of New Life team, I am able to witnessed the unconditional love and grace of God upon His children and those who are infected by this incurable disease. However, not their spiritual condition.  Indeed, the good news of salvation is not only for few people, rather for all walks of life, well and sick alike.  Praise the Lord this program, and be a part of this cause. 

Please pray with us for...

  • good health, protection, wisdom for the team visiting these patients twice a month to encourage, assist, assess their health condition
  • those believers will continue to grow in their knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ
  • those who are unbeliever yet, but heard the gospel already - humility and understanding of it

The Joy of New Life Team - Oddar Meanchey Province (northernmost part of the country)
We are now on our third book of discipleship with them.  Seeing this young generation grow in their knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and in their faith is very inspiring.  And serving the Lord alongside them is a humbling testimony.  Praise the Lord!

Please pray with us for...

  • wisdom and patience in teaching
  • consistent thirst of His Word for all of us
  • living the truth we know from studying the Bible
  • desiring always to make disciples

Bethlehem Church Youth and students of Intentional Discipleship Program

We reach out other local churches to bring the gospel; to encourage young generation like us, and to inspire them that life in Christ is the most, and will always assured one, regardless. 

Bethlehem Youth and fellow BSOP Missionaries during the Khmer Evangelical Churches (KEC) Christmas Fellowship

This year 2015 will soon be finished.  Looking back, with all the people (all walks of life) I met, with all the experiences I encountered, to all the places I visited, even all the hardships I went through; I am humbly thankful.  All because of God's grace.  Literally, I don't know what lies ahead, however, one thing I am absolutely assured, God is always there - Jesus is my Immanuel! Thus, I look forward for more fruitful years to come (Lord willing) YET for His glory. 

Please pray with me for...

  • good health
  • protection - throughout my years in the country, 3 incidents of burglary happened.  I couldn't weave masterly how should I feel, but again, it's all because of His grace
  • for wisdom, direction, submission upon His will, and unity among the locals about the new program (Bethlehem Church) will launch for the coming 2016
  • 100% support system - I trust God will supply my needs according to His riches and glory by Christ Jesus
Me visiting the vegetable backyard of the recipient of the program

"Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy,  for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now."

Merry Christmas from Cambodia!

Press On,

Aide Rose Fernandez